Home Photos “Who IS That Down There, MIke? He Looks Suspicious…”

“Who IS That Down There, MIke? He Looks Suspicious…”


Our small but hardy band of lensman have been known to work “tight,” angling for position during incidents and capturing meaningful images when, frankly, all heck is breaking loose and most normal people are running for cover.

We were going through a batch of images taken by the highly mobile and talented photojournalist Sean McDonough during a recent excursion in Danville and came across this frame – so tight we thought we could determine the eye color of the pilot and observer.

They apparently identified Sean correctly – not throwing anything at him or calling down the Blue Thunder – and they went on to play a key role in the highly charged moments down there that day.

And while some were panicking and attempting to interfere with a photojournalist doing his job, others went out of their way to help, including one saintly neighbor who invited our guy into her home – offering food and water.

To her, and others who realized a good man was in their neighborhood trying to do a tough job, we say: “Thanks!”


  1. Nice work. Mmm… It makes me wonder why our Banks don’t have the best security cameras. Maybe because they don’t care or they don’t want to deal with any liability issues … etc

  2. Banks?
    A person has to be deceased for four days prior to them noticing .
    This goes way beyond the best security cameras

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