Home NEWS Police/Fire Standoff With Attempted Murder Suspect Closes SR-242 In Concord Early Saturday

Standoff With Attempted Murder Suspect Closes SR-242 In Concord Early Saturday


A man suspected in the machete attack of another individual amidst the clutter of homeless encampments bordering SR-242 in Concord held police at bay for hours early Saturday, resisting attempts to communicate with police and seemingly impervious to the use of non-lethal munitions.

The bloodied man, believed to be in his 40s, walked into the cloverleaf of open space at the SR-242 and Olivera Road offramp after an alleged attack on a woman and as police began to arrive, refusing to speak to officers attempting to establish communications with him.

A woman, suffering from serious but unspecified wounds, was transported to John Muir Hospital for treatment.

As the police perimeter hardened the suspect grew increasingly agitated, pacing the field he was in and swinging the machete he allegedly used in the attack as police threw him a cell phone in hopes of establishing communication.

Attempts to subdue the suspect by use of Taser, 40mm beanbag rounds, and pepper-ball “stinger” rounds all proved futile. Eventually, a police canine was summoned and set upon the suspect as police moved in to take him into custody.


  1. Oh good, they turned the doggy loose and turned the guy into a chew toy, excellent police work and something the DA can’t undo.

    Firestone 11R

  2. From the bleachers, it sounds like an unnecessary risk to the dog to send it at someone in the described state of anxiety who is also swinging a large blade. Was the situation not contained? How about deploying a weighted Bat Net from above? Surely Ronco makes those.

    • It went on for HOURS the police were super nice offering water, cigarettes, a phone to talk they really tried to de escalate the situation. But the guy started moving closer to the tents that had people in them and that’s when I think they got him to drop the machete and they sent the dog.

    • BITD of PCP, we were given nets to use on dusted suspects. Liberals complained that we were treating them like animals.

      Firestone 11R

      • So, nets or no nets, you are not denying treating them like animals, just noting that liberals complained about it? That would be a moment of own-the-libs pride for some officers, I would imagine.

  3. This guy had already assaulted his girlfriend with his machete and had the other homeless people living in those tents not gotten involved and momentarily slowed this man down, just enough for her to wiggle away from his grasp and even though she had already secumed to some serious nds from him, she was then able to run back up the steep hill to the overpass and into an awaiting ambulance who wisked her away to safety.

  4. I wonder if these unfortunate interactions were recorded on body cams or drones and then shown to middle/HS kids in health class, if the truth about drugs would register with them and help. A modern twist on the scared-straight approach.

  5. What is wrong with everyone. This guy just tried to kill someone. You all are crazy worried how they treated him if you were the victim I’m sure you would want him dead. It’s not like there is a hospital to keep him in . You guys are a joke.

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