Home NEWS Local Scene Sunday Revue: Get’cher Mazzy Runnin’, Return Of The Freakazoids; And Kursk AGAIN?

Sunday Revue: Get’cher Mazzy Runnin’, Return Of The Freakazoids; And Kursk AGAIN?


Morning, 24/680 People – and those tuning in from beyond the limits of our intended broadcast – here we are again. Another Sunday is upon us. Time for omelettes and coffee and a review of the week past.

Great seeing some of our local cities mentioned on an international stage as the Olympics played on in Paris and some local athletes made it to the podium – with one returning with a cherished gold souvenir. Fun to see and all the participating athletes made so many people more than just their mum and dad so, so proud. Hurry back for the laurel leaf reception you’ve earned.

Back on this side of the Seine, things were a bit tougher as the local Thunder Runners showed no sign of giving up, high-speed chases lighting up our namesake freeways this week – often with law enforcement helicopters overhead.

Speedy little excursion along the 24/680 last night ended up in Orinda as a dude in a Maserati put some CHP cruisers to the test at 135mph before bringing it in for a pit stop on the Saint Stephens offramp and, we think, dashing away on foot. A Thunder Run the night before ended up in Lafayette and folks in LafOrinda are starting to feel a little left out unless a chase ends up in their backyards these nights.

Many of you know we have an alert system we rely on more and more and that sucker just lights up whenever one of these things kicks off so, if you want to know what’s going on – and get that latest from your neighbors – sign up and get The Flash.

And while we risk being pilloried for mentioning the national political scene we must acknowledge the return of an attached national fervor for candidates blue and red. There has been an associated uptick in the number of “Freakazoid” (our name for those with extremist views) contacts in recent weeks and though we’ve carefully avoided any mention of either candidate there are still people out there hell-bent on drawing us into the fray. We know they are actual flesh and blood because they are calling us and don’t appear to have been created by a Russian bot farm.

Fine, all fine. We’re thinking all this nuttiness will dry up and blow away come November but we must say it has been instructive to say the least. We’re still looking for the execrable sample of fermented landfill waste who sent us their version of our mother’s funeral prayer card and, yep, you made yourself an enemy for life with that one, pal.

And while we’re ranging farther afield than we usually dare allow us to say we never thought in a thousand years that we’d be mentioning Kursk again in the same breath as “salient” and “tank battle.” As students of history we know that it tends to repeat itself and that Santayana nailed it when he said: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Here’s hoping we’ve learned our lessons, and won’t make the bad decisions again. We can’t afford to.


  1. Santayana also wrote, “only the dead have seen the end of war”.

    And, anyone threatening 24/680 better come see me first, I’m your huckleberry.

    Firestone 11R

    • Whoa! Appreciate the historical references (always) and the defensive posture but we’re onto these yokels. They tend to soil themselves when we show up on their doorstep…

  2. Going 135 mph in a Maserati and evading police then stopping and thinking you could just run away is sheer idiocy. Surely a rare car like that, the owner can be traced- not just from the registration.
    The only exception would be if it’s stolen and they were headed back through the tunnel . . . then we may never found the culprit.

  3. Who knew crowd size would be the election issue? Not the border. Not the economy. Crowd size!! Ratings! Someone is seriously ill.

  4. I look forward to the day the bloated blotard and his spawn are gone and we can get back to being a country again.

    • Even though he had a big mouth and was bombastic, one has to admit that things were better under Trump. The economy was great, there was not this ridiculous inflation, we didn’t have all this crime, and the world scene was not on fire.
      You cannot say that things have been better during the last 3 1/2 years in any category.

      • Dude
        You live in a reality TV episode ..except for big mouth, and sixth grade school yard bully, everything you project has been implanted, and it is contrary to the reality of documented economic and crime trends . The schoolyard shit is plain for anyone who attended any school.multiple bankruptcies by, multiple felony convictions for fraud, grifting from his position of authority, offering state secrets and assets for sale. None of this is hidden. Woe to those who pretend this is a harmless mis understanding or a difference in principled ideals. Naked aggression is naked,

      • Remember when he got up in front of the UN and they laughed at him? That was awesome. So proud to be an American that day.

  5. You posted this exact nonsense on another thread. Can you pass Captcha? Wtf economic measures are you talking about? What faux news channel are you drinking from? The one that paid 800. Million dollars for fraud? Really? Is that your source?!?

    • David,

      I’m afraid you have a bad case of TDS. Both Trump and Harris have skeletons in their closets. The only difference is one is a capitalist and the other is a socialist.

      Firestone 11R

      • If this is the only difference you can detect between these two candidates, than I don’t think we’re operating in the same plane of reality.

      • DJT wants to deploy American troops to quell domestic protests he doesn’t like. That is not a delusion shared by consumers of the actual news. That is his stated intent. That stated position is authoritarianism. It would also be a violation of law if you, Jeff, believe in rule of law.

        You deflect in an unserious manner. You are dishonest. You are dishonorable. Your suggestion that Trump is a capitalist is 4K resolution ridiculous. He is a narcissistic sociopath. His political inclinations are not socialist or capitalist. They are ME, ME, ME. Look at ME. Build me a Trump Tower in Moscow. Build me a Trump Tower in Jeddah. He loves Xi. He loves Dear Leader. WHO, btw, are not capitalists…………..Didn’t you notice that part LOL?

    • Morning, Elizabeth… the Flash link on the site comes with a PayPal payment link. We also take other forms of payment if PayPal is not your cup of tea… just let us know.

  6. It’s going to take some time to compute all the damage TFG and his comrades did to this country but when it is done history will not be kind.

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