Home NEWS Police/Fire Watch, Jewelry, Other Items Taken In Concord Armed Robbery Friday

Watch, Jewelry, Other Items Taken In Concord Armed Robbery Friday


Four men, at least two of them reportedly armed with handguns, assaulted and robbed a victim in the 1800 block of Willow Pass Road in Concord on Friday before escaping in a late-model Mercedes sedan.

The incident was reported at 4:40 p.m. with the group making off with a watch, necklaces and electronics. An ambulance was summoned to treat a victim for unspecified injuries.

Police are canvassing the area in search of witnesses and possible surveillance video. It was not immediately determined if the robbery was the latest in a series of “follow home”-style robberies involving armed crews targeting individuals with expensive jewelry and other items they follow to their homes or other locations to rob.

The suspects were described as four black males in their 20s, masked, last seen in a white, 4-door Mercedes sedan.


    • Method. Yet to be proven but may have been followed from one location to another – where the robbery took place.

  1. Use of a gun during a robbery results in prison. Base time sentencing is 5 years with 10 years enhancement for a total of 15 years. May not deter a criminal, but for sure keep them off the street committing more serious robberies.

  2. Yee haw, yippie ki yay, it’s the Wild West out there. Always be prepared for trouble, use common sense.

    Firestone 11R

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