From the City of Lafayette:
The Lafayette City Council and I have closely followed recent events at the El Curtola overpass, which crosses Highway 24 in Lafayette. Our first priority is the safety of our City’s residents and we have been concerned by reports of violence and intimidation on the overpass. The Lafayette Police Department, acting within the law, has responded appropriately and will continue to monitor the overpass closely. It is important that if you believe you are a victim of a crime or witness a law being broken you report the incident immediately to the Lafayette Police Department by calling the non-emergency dispatch number, (925) 284-5010, or in the event of a life-threatening emergency, dialing 911.
We have been asked why we have allowed the protests to take place on the bridge. The First Amendment allows for a wide range of protected activity. While our priority is to keep residents safe, we must also allow protected activity that is within the law. Peaceful forms of protest in public spaces are a bedrock of our democracy. We must continue to uphold those rights for everyone, both those living in Lafayette and those who come to Lafayette to express their views.
I wish to address some of the concerns raised over reported conduct on the overpass. Along with our City Manager, City Attorney, and Police Chief, I have carefully reviewed the range of lawful responses that we, as a City, can implement concerning events on the El Curtola overpass. I can say with full confidence that the response by our Police Department has been appropriate and timely. When violations of the law have been reported, including allegations of assault, the Police Department has made arrests and our judicial system is processing these matters.
There have been calls for the overpass to be closed. Under the law, however, we cannot do this and prohibit lawful protests. Likewise, the City cannot limit access to the overpass to only residents, as has been suggested. All members of the public, no matter where they live, have the right to peacefully assemble on the overpass. If the City of Lafayette were to hinder those rights, it could expose the City to significant legal challenges and, perhaps, make Lafayette a focal point for future protests.
Working with the Police Chief, I will continue to monitor events closely. The Lafayette Police will have an ongoing presence at the overpass during the protests and will increase patrols if necessary. We will act accordingly to avoid violence and will make arrests should any law be violated.
Let us all do our part to uphold the First Amendment and to deescalate a sensitive situation. I know that nerves are frayed. But we must come together to ensure that our democracy functions peacefully and respectfully. Thank you for your patience.
Susan Candell/ Mayor, City of Lafayette
It seems that even the “Stop the Steal” dopes are not shameless enough to show their faces after the insurrection in Washington DC last week.
I think most of them are home in their basements deleting their social media accounts.
I’m guessing you weren’t complaining for 6 months while Antifa & BLM burned, looted, and committed mayhem across dozens of cities.
Jan 6th? American Reichstag.
What “reports of violence and intimidation”?? I’ve heard of rocks being dropped from an overpass in Concord, but not from this one.
They can close the protesting down if it presents “clear and present danger.” If there has been problems in the past, you would think they might close it down. Does the city of Lafayette know the law?
I was there one afternoon and it was a love fest. I do not believe any stories of violence and intimidation. The only intimidation I have seen are FB posts to harass the people on the overpass.
Good they have the constitutional right to not read those posts.
Free speech folks. If no law is broken they have the right to assemble.
The Battle of El Curtola. The ballad not written.
Not sure what they’re protesting? Jan. 20th Biden will be the next POTUS. If they really want to do some good, help a vet, the elderly, give some time at the animal shelter. Do something worthwhile with your time. You know something that might actually matter.
I have seen several different groups up there.
They should wear their pointy hoods like their grandfathers did
Yup, good-time Democrats.
One old guy out there yesterday. He looked lonely.
Attention Coup Klutz Klanners: Your guy lost. And he’s a dick. Get over it.
Mass election fraud.
Hahahahahahahaha…. o, you were being serious.
So…the one and only consistent patriotic display in the Bay Area is a target for anti free speech liberals…sounds bout right
No loitering?
As one lemming leaps from the cliff, a second turns to the one behind him and says: “Look! We can fly! Pass it on”
The peaceful Trump supporters love America and our freedom to voice our views.
Thanks to all those who honk, who pray for us and wave as they walk their dogs or cycle by. Thanks to all those who encourage us to keep coming and never let Antifa, BLM or Biden fans silence us.
Thanks to those who’ve called the police for us when we’ve been threatened and our flags ripped or stolen.
Thanks for the bagels and coffee too!!!!
Being on the overpass has been a mission to encourage and strengthen WE THE PEOPLE that the freedoms of our Constitution remain the shining city on a hill for all the world.
Thanks for keeping it peaceful and sorry your guy had his lunch handed to him but we’ll be celebrating his departure and look forward to working with a real government in order to move the nation forward again. God Bless America and those who keep the country strong and on its intended path.
It was a Trump landslide stolen by Dominion, the CCP, and crooked Democrats & UniParty creatures. Brazen theft.
Interestingly, Ms. Sidney Powell asserts that Dominion software may have been used to flip the California vote in 2016 from crazy Bernie to Hillary Clinton.
Now there’s a credible source. The woman’s eyes spin in opposite directions.
Brain Damage. An anthem for the times by Pink Floyd.
The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path
The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon
The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me ’til I’m sane
You lock the door
And throw away the key
There’s someone in my head but it’s not me
And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you’re in starts playing different tunes
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon
That thunder in your ear is your pounding heartbeat. That lack of recognition is real. You are SHOUTING into a vacuum. Almost no one in government is listening to people without money. But the CON. Can’t you see the con? That world of smoke and misdirection is where con artists operate. OMG! Brain damage.
Georgia On My Mind