Highly visible flaring at the Chevron Refinery in Richmond has attracted widespread attention and some concern as Bay Area residents question the rationale behind the move – on a wind-less, hot, Spare the Air Day Friday.
Chevron issued a brief statement about the flaring:
“The Chevron Richmond Refinery is currently experiencing flaring activity due to an upset at a process unit. Due to the visibility of smoke, a Community Warning System (CWS) Level 1 was issued to keep residents informed. Level 1 is one of the lowest on the CWS scale.
Flaring is an important part of keeping the Refinery running safely. Flares are a safety device used in refineries to relieve pressure during the refining processes and help keep our equipment and plants operating safely. Members of the community can visit www.richmondairmonitoring.org to view real-time air quality data.”
The Contra Costa Hazardous Materials Program dispatched air monitoring teams to the area to assess whether there is any risk to the community.
Can’t think of a worse possible day for this.
Do people stretch the capacity of hydrocarbon processing facilities to optimize output without regard to environmental and public health risks?
“People do!”
Dinosaur Revenge.
Spare the air day?? Meh, I have some trash to burn in the backyard. We still have a lot of air left.
Glad to hear you’ll make it. I’ll let the next generation know Bonnie was fine.
Things are going just great.
Things are going so well.
Chemical composition? What’s in the air?
The county was out monitoring air quality — which always makes us feel secure.
Why the hullabaloo? All y’all out there running around shopping, having coffee/lunch/whatev, don’t seem too worried about the Spare-the-Air or the still-in-effect SIP….Y’all likely got as much emissions coming out of your tail-pipe as a few flares on this Spare the Air day…..oh? is it that it’s OK to spew car emissions on this day? Must be with the multitudes of folks out and about right now……spew on…..
Flaring is common for a refinery. Chill out.
Drill drill drill. Burn burn burn.
Urban comet
Gone be hotter tomorrow folks. Yippee
I thought some of the refineries were standing down and committing to alternative fuels?
Hope things go more smoothly today.