Home NEWS Local Scene “What’d I See?” – Foot Races And Air Show In Concord Saturday...

“What’d I See?” – Foot Races And Air Show In Concord Saturday Night

Photo: Concord PD

Veteran readers reacted to our post on some police activity in Concord Saturday night, with things getting increasingly – busy – until we stopped posting updates to keep our info from falling into the wrong hands.

It turns out officers from Concord’s Special Enforcement Team saw a silver Jeep speeding on Cowell Rd. but weren’t able to catch up with it until they reached the downtown area. Police surmise the driver must have realized the officers were close by because he suddenly accelerated and proceeded to run the red light at the intersection of Galindo St. and Willow Pass Road – colliding with another motorist who was not injured.

Police said the Jeep came to a complete stop in the center divide, the driver and his three passengers bolting and running off in various directions. Officers immediately gave chase and were able to get one of the passengers (a 25-year-old San Francisco resident) into custody. A records check revealed that he was on parole and had several outstanding felony warrants issued for his arrest. 

With the assistance of air support from the CCC Sheriff’s Office, numerous CPD officers searched the area for the three remaining occupants. After an extensive search, the driver of the Jeep (a 26-year-old San Francisco resident) was found hiding in some nearby bushes and was immediately placed in handcuffs. Additionally, a satchel containing two handguns was found discarded near the suspect vehicle, according to police.

We stopped posting after learning that the outstanding suspects may have been monitoring social media and attempting to secure rides out of the area. It is our stated policy not to provide information that may aid suspected lawbreakers or put civilians or police in danger.


  1. Well here’s still another story about a criminal who is ‘out on parole and with outstanding warrants’, out running around, this time again with ‘two guns in a bag’. Well the governor and all the social justice liberals thinks it’s better to not have people in jail because it cost too much and is supposedly unfair. But I have to wonder what the real cost is to society to have these thugs running loose. it cost the rest of us and is unfair to the rest of us. Lock them up and throw away the key, I say. Who’s going to be their next victim?

  2. This silver Jeep must of flown by the Concord Police Department. I am sure there are many cameras in that area.

  3. So this group is spotted leaving a fundraiser for the Orinda victims when they see police and start crashing into things. And they leave some guns behind. I don’t know but if I squint a little that piece on the right could pass for a Mac-10. Assuming some ballistic work is being done.

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