Home NEWS Police/Fire San Ramon Police Detain Three Suspects After Uber Driver Robbed Of Cell...

San Ramon Police Detain Three Suspects After Uber Driver Robbed Of Cell Phone Friday


Three people are in custody after an alleged assault on an Uber driver on Greenwood Place Friday morning.

The trio is currently being interviewed by police, who are looking for the driver’s cell phone, taken during the alleged assault. Neighbors reported one of the trio beating the driver around 10:20 a.m., with the driver suffering apparent injuries to his face.

Officers responded quickly and detained the three suspects on Norris Canyon Road.


  1. I hope the driver is okay. That being said, Uber is internet hitchhiking, and it’s highly unregulated. Drivers and passengers are risking their lives. The only one’s who are “really benefitting” are the high tech billionaires, and some of us “get it.”

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