Home Main Category Announcements Lafayette Police Credit The Readership For Contributions To Crimefighting Efforts

Lafayette Police Credit The Readership For Contributions To Crimefighting Efforts


In a totally unexpected but really nice moment before the Lafayette City Council tonight, Monday, Police Chief Eric Christensen singled out our readership for their contributions to this site and for effectively providing their local police department with usable information the chief said has helped keep the community safe from crime on several occasions.

Prior to presentation of a police “challenge coin” issued – in tonight’s case – in recognition of service to the community, the chief said NEWS24/680 readers “have provided significant assistance to the police department in identifying the make, model, and year of vehicles involved in crimes within the city.”

Christensen said critical information he could not normally expect to get in a timely fashion was supplied “within a matter of hours” after being set before the readership.

“Because of the interest the site generates, the contributors often critique each other’s responses – leading to an accurate identification,” the chief said. “Several of the cases that readers have contributed upon have led to the arrest, conviction, and sentencing of offenders – protecting our community.”

We thanked the chief and the council on your behalf but, hopefully, reinforced our position that our readership has been our greatest asset all along and that we are grateful for your loyalty, interest and continued participation in this thing we do.

Tonight’s award is shared by you all.


    • Morning, Danielle… it was very cool and unexpected and very much appreciated and you are correct about LamoLindans getting things done and, well, yes – we’re pretty cool, too! Be good!

  1. We’re just concerned citizens trying to help the community great. Thank you news 24 680 for giving us the opportunity.

  2. I’ve made all my neighbors start reading you. The appreciate the timely updates and responses from real people. We hope you go far with this!

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